Thursday, January 9, 2020

Organizational Leadership and the Role of Self-Evaluation...

Organizational Leadership and the Role of Self-Evaluation and Assessment Introduction The ability to manage and lead a diverse organization is predicated on how effectively a leader understands their innate strengths and weaknesses, in addition to gaining insights into how effectively they communicate. The role of self-evaluations and self-assessments in providing leaders with insights into how they can make the most of their strengths and define strategies for addressing their weaknesses is critical for their long-term effectiveness (Kacmar, Collins, Harris, Judge, 2009). The intent of this analysis is to define the benefits of self-evaluation and self-assessment, and why it is critically important for leaders to look at these as a foundation for long-term professional growth. Analysis of the Benefits of Self-Evaluation and Self-Assessment For any leader to continually improve and therefore stay relevant and competent in their roles, they must attain a level of courage to seek and actively use feedback. Often the most difficult tasks for leaders is to have the courage to conflict their weaknesses through self-evaluation and self-assessment (Baldoni, 2009). This can be particularly difficult and challenging for new manager and leaders who have recently ascended into positions of authority. The humility and focus on improvement however can set a leaders career on a very strong and sure trajectory to continual improvement. This is the first and most significantShow MoreRelatedSelf-Evaluation and Assessment in Contemporary Leadership1397 Words   |  6 PagesSelf Evaluation and Assessment in Contemporary Leadership What makes a good leader? Is it the ability to execute tasks, or manage teams? There are seriously a myriad of answers to such questions. 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